Can your school council noticeboard actually help drive change?
Pretty much every school I go to has one and they almost all consist of the same things:
- Photos of the school council (often last year’s)
- Minutes of the the last meeting (who stops at a noticeboard to read closely-typed minutes?)
- A poster saying ‘have your say/make a difference/we’re your voice!’
Other than underlining for Ofsted that you have a school council, what does this actually achieve?
How about if you used that space instead for a Progress Board. This would allow everyone in the school to see:
- What the school council is working on
- Who they talk to to get involved
- What the hold ups are (this can put gentle pressure on a slow-moving Headteacher or Caretaker to respond)
- What’s off-limits and what’s been achieved
Anyway after years of describing this idea to people and sketching it up on flipcharts at training sessions I finally created a graphic last night which shows just what I mean.
Do you have any other ideas for what might go on here (or on a board next to it).
I’d also love to see how something like this could be part of a school council’s page on their VLE or website.
Let us know in the comments if you’ve got any ideas.