
Get Real Roadshow – Salford

We did the first session. Link teacher very involved; school council teacher very keen and wanted to get the councillors down but couldn’t get them out of lessons – interested in Network membership. Wanted to take project planners back to the citizenship classes. Only had a half an hour session and anticipated 75 pupils (only around 53 in the end) so decided to set the room up cabaret style. Everything had to be set up in advance; Graffiti wall on one wall but had to stick it on one side panel of the kitchen. What was really good was that even though we were limited for time and only had three council members in the session, there was enough interest and enthusiasm from the kids that the session went quite well. The headteacher sat in with one of the groups, the contact teacher was around nearly the whole time, and a couple of other teachers were sitting in and watching, saying how useful the project planner would be in their citizenship classes and asked for lots of extras. Late morning sessions were about an hour long and we ran the graffiti wall again and we were able to go through the project planner briefly. os/mj