Citizenship SchoolCouncilsUK-archive

School Councils UK is mentioned in the Youth Citizenship Commission

School Councils were featured as being very important in a recent government commission

Asher and I  went to the launch of the Youth Citizenship Commission’s Report in Westminster today. It was great to hear people talk about the value of school councils alongside class councils.  The commissioners really understood the value of pupil voice and effective  school councils, it was clearly expressed that pupil voice has to be respected and the young people involved need to be given real power in the school decision-making processes, otherwise the work can be disillusioning do more damage than good.

There was also a big mention for the School Council Standard, which is a project we are working on getting funding for at the moment – so a good morning for School Councils.  It’ll be interesting to see what the Government does the Comission’s findings.


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