
SHEU (Schools Health Education Unit)

Mark had a meeting with David Regis from SHEU on Friday (Greg joined us for most of the meeting). SHEU has carried out “lifestyle – health and social – surveys with hundreds of thousands of young people for over 30 years”. Local authorities and others pay them to do surveys (as a base line/ monitoring exercise) – the schools participate in return for getting a comprehensive report showing them how they are doing and compare their results with other schools in their area that they can use . There used to be a standard questionnaire, but this is now customised for each client. Each questionnaire takes about an hour to complete.

SHEU have been widening the remit of their surveys, and include questions on student voice.

Actions: They will look at publishing the results of the LSSCARP report in their journal which goes to every local authority and primary care trust. They have a copy of the leaflet, as well as the report.

They have asked us:

1. to improve on the questions they are asking about participation / student voice / involvement, and possibly suggest others.

2. to advise about feedback mechanisms – how would school councils communicate the results to the rest of the schools and identify actions to be taken. How do they get the results into schools? Are they any good models? etc.

3. If they can compare lists of our members with schools they have worked with recently to see how we might work together.


– any opportunities for other research/ survey work for SHEU?
– any opportunity to consult with young people generally about the results they publish?
– would be happy to look at joint funding applications where appropriate
