involver blog

Case studies, Slovakia, and next steps

We’re approaching the end of the pupil voice research we’ve been carrying out for the DCSF and SSAT.
We’ve also been invited to a student voice event in Slovakia.

Good news 1:

Hard work (and many late nights) over the last week has meant that we are pretty much done with the pupil voice case studies that we are writing for the SSAT/DCSF. The schools and LAs that took part (thanks!) are receiving them to sign them off. Be good to get it all wrapped up soon, and we hope it will be helpful to schools./LAs.

Good news 2:

At the start of October, we’ve been invited to Slovakia to take part in a three-day meeting about pupil voice in Europe.

They have been working on a school council project called ‘It’s your choice, use your voice’, and want to hear more about how things are approached in the UK. There’s potential for future cooperation too. Should be a great experience, and lots of fun – full blog to come – take a look at

Also had interesting meetings with NCB, Send for it/Portland (the company who have bought School Councils UK) and our friend Jem ( on Search Engine Optimisation stuff. 95% of this went over my head but in a stroke of luck, Asher is a web geek, and he managed to follow things.

In other news, working at home in the kitchen is difficult – I keep eating EVERYTHING.

Hope all is good.


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