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Super-School Council

I’m not sure that there is anything this school council isn’t doing. It seems like the whole school is involved with different project as well which is brilliant.


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Get your school council in the great outdoors.

Apparently not enough young people are enjoying their natural surroundings and we think that school councils can help get pupils involved with nature.

Natural England is an independent public body whose purpose is to protect and improve England’s natural environment and encourage people to enjoy and get involved in their surroundings and they recently conducted a survey that suggests that Children today spend less time in natural spaces. More importantly, in some respects, “most children would like to spend more time playing unsupervised in natural places, and most parents would like them to be able to”.

To help this to happen Natural England have a great website with loads of information and ideas of how young people can get more involved. We think school councils are a great starting point for these ideas and can help their fellow pupils become wildlife gardeners, or even start growing a school garden.

There are also lots of free downloadable resources for teachers and ideas for places to visit on school trips.

Natural England Website



Posted via email from schoolcouncils’s posterous


Healthy School Food event (Wesminster Education Forum)

I went to this forum last week which was very interesting. A full transcript of all the sessions can be found under External Relations\Westminster Education Forum\Healthy School Food 250908 transcript (the password to access this is in brackets). However, in the meantime, there are a number of contacts that I think we need to follow up:

Merton Schools
Useful for case study or article about changes that can be made around food issues
Food for Life Partnership (Soil Association)
Emma Noble, Director wants to have a meeting to discuss further working
Great Grub Club
Website designed for 4-7 year olds



Food Standards Agency – school council network

Has anyone heard about this? The Food Standards Agency has created a small network of school councils to hear the views of young people about food. Further details can be found here:


Would it be useful for us to try and a) find out more and/or b) get involved in this?


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PSHE or citizenship

Many new teachers, as well as experiences ones, are confused about the difference between PSHE and Citizenship and where the school council fits in, and how to make the best out of their valuable curriculum time. I found this presentation which should clarify things a bit and it’s information we should really all have, it can be found on the server at S:\Information and Research\PSHE and citizenship


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Extended Schools

I went to the 4Children Extended schools conference in Bristol and although pretty dull with speaker following speaker in the morning and a rather uninspiring seminar in the afternoon, the information I gathered was very useful.
