involver blog

I’d like to thank my mum, God and all the little people

Greg making his acceptance speech
What I imagine Greg's acceptance speech will look like. I hope he doesn't cry.

I’m a little bit excited today, well actually I have been all week, because tomorrow we’re off to a very swanky awards ceremony at the Hilton in Park Lane, where Greg has won an award!

So, we’ve both bought our outfits and arranged a very select group of colleagues and friends to join us (sorry if you didn’t get an invitation!). In facts it’s rather got in the way of us actually doing anything productive, which is a bit ironic as that’s what Greg’s getting this award for: the huge strides he’s made since setting up involver.

It’s made us think a bit about what we have managed to achieve over the last few months and realise that actually it’s quite impressive. From both of us being on the dole 6 months ago, we’ve managed to do all this:

– Completed research for DCSF and SSAT

– Presented at an international student voice conference in Slovakia

– Written a CPD module for ACT on student voice and Citizenship

– Set up a national school council awards scheme for Parliament

– Created and and ran a training course for school council trainers from the Czech Republic

– Run loads of training courses for school students and school council co-ordinators including for ASCL and NCSL

– Worked with LAs from across the country to support their training, including Tower Hamlets, Wolverhampton and Salford

– Written new resources for schools on how to improve school councils

– Started to set up partnerships with Changemakers, Centre for Democratic Education, Citizenship Foundation and User Voice

So that’s why Greg’s getting the Square Mile 30under30 London Talent Award.  Which I think is a pretty good set of reasons.

But Greg could be up for a special category award too, so please do wish him luck and have us in your thoughts as you’re at work and we’re being wined and dined at one of London’s fanciest hotels ;)

Square Mile 30 under 30 invitation
This is what Greg's won
involver blog

What’s the NASUWT’s problem with student voice?

The NASUWT is concerned by increasing reports that student voice activities are being abused by some schools and resulting in practices which privilege pupils in a way which is undermining, disempowering and deprofessionalising teachers. These activities include using pupils to observe teachers teaching, involving pupils in the recruitment of staff, including on interview panels, and pupil questionnaires which are for management rather than educational purposes.

This is the opening line to an email sent out to the members of ‘the largest UK-wide teachers’ union’, the NASUWT, this week (one of whom sent it on to me).  Just a couple of the things that are troubling about this letter and the assumptions it makes:

  • Every time a teacher teaches, pupils observe them and pass judgement, that’s what happens in lessons. The judgement is communicated through engagement or disengagement. Wouldn’t it be better to capture this experience in a structured, focussed way so that teachers could use it for their professional development and improve student learning? Isn’t it clear that giving students a greater understanding of the teaching process improves learning, engagement and attainment (the General Teaching Council definitely thinks so, based on it’s research carried out by Cambridge University:
    Improving pupil learning through enhancing participation)
  • If this concern is coming from “increased reports”, why send out a letter saying, “The Union urgently needs case studies of teachers’ experiences of the abuse of student voice in schools”? Why not just use all the reports that are giving rise to concern?

One thing that I find particularly concerning is the timing of this letter and what this implies about its use. Responses need to be in by the end of the week, presumably so they can be used for a response to the DCSF’s consultation on ‘Considering pupils views’, which is on governors’ new duties regarding pupil voice. Now it’s right and proper that the NASUWT responds to this consultation, it wouldn’t be serving its members if it didn’t, but the things it’s asking for don’t relate to the questions being asked, which are:

  1. Do you feel it is appropriate for schools to invite and consider pupils’ views before revising equality policies or schemes in the area of race, disability and gender equality?
  2. Do you feel it is appropriate for schools to invite and consider pupils’ views before making changes to the times of school sessions?
  3. Do you feel it is appropriate for schools to invite and consider pupils’ views before agreeing their curriculum policy?

Nothing to do with lesson observations, interview panels and the like.  So is the union intending to launch a broadside on pupil voice generally to get in the way of allowing pupils to have more of a say in how their school is run? (The letter asks for people who are willing to be interviewed by the media.)

I really hope they would take a more measured approach, but this hasn’t been the NASUWT’s tactic so far with regards to student voice.  Chris Keates has consistently used the argument that because something is being done poorly in a few schools it should be stopped everywhere.  It’s exactly this kind of thinking that has paralysed so many schools with regards to school trips: poor practice and accidents can’t be completely prevented so we’re better off just not doing any, irrespective of the impact this may have on the quality of students’ experience and learning.

So if you’re an NASUWT member who is aware of the benefits of student voice, why not email your union ( – she’s collecting the case studies) and see whether they’re willing to represent your views?

involver blog

involver linking with Czech Republic

Back in February, two of our colleagues from the Czech Republic spent a week with us. Tomas and Kamila, from CEDU, met with a range of people to learn about the UK’s approach to student voice and school councils. We met colleagues at ACT, Citizenship Foundation, DCSF, London Metropolitan University, Tower Hamlets, Preston Manor school and Parliament. A tiring week, but lots of fun!

Anyway, here’s Kamila at the Little Heath Student Voice conference, talking about the things she learnt/observed:

We hope to work with Tomas and Kamila a lot more in the future (there’s plans to visit them later in the year), are keen to develop our links into a formal partnership. Finally, we were really happy to show them around London.


involver blog

Politics and democracy can’t be simulated

I was at the QCDA’s Citizenship Key Players meeting last week.

A great day with a range of thoughtful discussions and presentations. Good to see a lot of familiar faces, and hear about citizenship in the new primary curriculum.

Particularly interesting was some of the things that came up from Judith Matharu and Tony Gallagher from Ofsted when talking about their most recent report ‘Citizenship Established?’ They discussed  how provision for Citizenship and outcomes for students are improving overall, and that student voice is prominent in many schools. Good news.

An issue came up though, that learning for young people was suffering because of a ‘simulated politics’ approach rather than ‘real politics’ approach.

This is very much what we’re trying to challenge and help schools with at involver. .

Politics, democracy and participation in schools should never be about simulation.

Learning to be an active citizen isn’t like learning to pilot a plane. Young people are here, they are already involved, so let’s help them do something real.

That’s not to say that teachers shouldn’t support young people to help and suggest things, but that they shouldn’t try and create a false environment to learn what ‘taking part’ means.

Just wanted to get that off my chest!


involver blog

Prison councils and school councils

We had a great meeting with an organisation called User Voice last week.

Led by best-selling author, and ex-offender, Mark Johnson, they aim to reduce re-offending. Considering 75% of young offenders re-offend within two years of their release from prison, clearly an important job.

One of the ways they are doing this is through prison councils – like school councils but in prisons. And though their ‘users’ might be there for different reasons, talking about some of the similarities led to some really interesting discussions.

Prisons, like schools, have to listen to the views of their prisoners. Mark said that:

‘some Governors just get a couple of prisoners into their office to show that they are listening to their views. Other Governors might get together a forum of prisoners that they know will agree with them, to show they are listening’

Now go back and replace ‘Governor’ with ‘Headteacher’, and ‘prisoner’ with ‘student’. This sounds very familiar when thinking about student voice in schools.

So we’re going to help User Voice with resources for elections, and keeping prison councils energised. We’ll hopefully work with them on some regional youth events too later in the year.

Great to link up with such an inspiring organisation, and one involver can learn a lot from.


involver blog

Greg in the spotlight! (this week)


Oh and also see Asher look very funny at: