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Twitter Updates for 2009-10-20

  • RT @sele98: i would like to sit in on an elementary school student council meeting every day. almost as good as kindergarten therapy. #
  • Recommended @scyne to @MrTweet 'A real expert on school councils, citizenship and student voice, but also a great mu…' #
  • @PatParslow Found you through @MrTweet. Looking forward to your tweets! #
  • @amptowerhamlets No problem, thanks for having me there, a great (even historic) event. Looking forward to next year. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-10-18

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Citizenship involver blog News Twitter

School Councillor Profiles: Filippo from Italy

Filippo from Italy telling us about his job as a school councillor:

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Twitter Updates for 2009-10-16

  • Just been helping Leicestershire with planning their school council training. Some primary schools are in for a treat in November! #
  • RT @FifeWOW: Pondering this: What is our motive in acquiring student voice; to confirm OUR thinking or to gain NEW understanding? #
  • .@FifeWOW hopefully doesn't take too much pondering. #
  • .@FifeWOW That's not to say there aren't a fair few engaged in #studentvoice who shouldn't spend some time doing just that! #
  • Does your school have a written policy on pupil involvement in decision-making? Which country? Please RT #

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involver blog

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-15

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involver blog

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-15

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