
What Asher’s been Tweeting this week 2009-12-13

  • I'm hosting film club tonight. Any seasonal recommendations for what I should show? #
  • @jonathan_mackin @iusher @sparcd thanks very much for the suggestions guys, all great, on the list . Went with 'kiss kiss, bang bang'. in reply to jonathan_mackin #
  • @daibarnes Will you be writing up the school council course? I'd love to have a look at what it contained. Thanks. #
  • @daibarnes Good stuff. Need to get along to some of those TeachMeets at BETT. Hopefully see you there. #
  • Finally got the last student voice good practice case study signed off, after 4 months of asking! #
  • RT @MattSL: went into a N London Primary Sch to make a short film on pupil voice & communication, comments appreciated, #
  • Off to the IoE for a conference on student-led reviews – interesting work that Michael FIelding has been doing. #
  • McNulty presenting Have I Got News For You, can't get over the Eton accent. #

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involver blog Resources

Creating a communication plan for whole-school involvement

Thinking about communication, it's not just assemblies and noticeboards.
Thinking about communication, it's not just assemblies and noticeboards.

The Albion High School in Salford (Manchester) had a problem with its school council, as in many schools it was seen as ineffective and so became very unpopular with students.  Staff and governors set improving pupil voice as a key priority for the school. With help from Creative Partnerships they have rebranded and reconstituted the school council, which is now known as REGENERATE.  It has a significant budget (£30,000) and members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) provide direct support.

Having trained a number of Salford school council co-ordinators the other week I was invited to help run REGENERATE’s training yesterday – I was even billed as “Asher Jacobsberg: National Leader on Student Voice and Involvement” which was a bit of an ego massage! The day was opened by the Chair of Governors and the Headteacher, which I feel was really important for them and the students, really creating a link between the key decision-making bodies in the school. My role for the day, as well as running ice-breakers and rounding the day off, was to help the students decide on a strategy for getting the whole-school involved with REGENERATE. For me this always comes down to communication. The best way to start to pique people’s interest is to tell them about what you’re already doing, and encourage them to tell you what they think. Once that’s working, then they’re much more likely to want to move in to taking an active role.

As well as training, the day was used for making some structural decisions and voting in the Chair.
As well as training, the day was used for making some structural decisions and voting in the Chair.

So this is the session I ran with them, and we came up with a really solid communication plan at the end of it. Very importantly each element had someone who would be responsible for it, and a regular date on which it would happen.  Some of the ideas that the students came up with and will be taking forward:

  • Visit primary schools to tell them about REGENERATE, show they will be listened to at The Albion and find out what they want The Albion to be like when they get there.
  • Use social networking sites to spread the word about what REGENERATE is up to.
  • Create a REGENERATE jingle for the radio show that they will be recording.
  • Make sure that the REGENERATE noticeboards are updated after every meeting, that they are in places where everyone in the school will see them and that they are funny and interesting to look at!

Download the session plan as a Word 2007 .docx file (192 KB)

Download the session plan as a Word 2003 .doc file (225 KB)

To download as a PDF use the link in the Scribd window below.


What Asher’s been Tweeting this week 2009-12-06

  • Reading: Living and Learning with New Media: Summary of Findings from the Digital Youth Project -via @kjarrett @joebires #
  • is revisiting the business plan #
  • How would you define a good student voice / school council project? #
  • RT @DavidLammyMP: Still campaigning to save both hospitals nr. Haringey. Please join the campaign and RT #
  • Issue is the way questions are asked, not answers RT @timesed: Pupil voice dubbed a failure by children’s commissioner #
  • How would you define a good student voice / school council project? #
  • Shopping for a budget <£400 laptop for @scyne. Anyone seen any good deals lately? #
  • Year 5 pupils from across the county gather at County Hall in Maidstone for their Primary Schools Council. #
  • RT @citizenship: I uploaded a YouTube video — Sir Keith Ajegbo: Student voice and democracy in schools #
  • Sir Keith Ajegbo on the links between student voice, citizenship, democracy, political literacy and community cohesion. #
  • good range!: RT @wistaston: The School Council had their meeting. Xmas plays, robots, security and badges for midday assistants discussed! #
  • Letter from the school (pupil) council of Dronfield Junior School to prospective headteachers: #
  • Great BBC site Bugbears to give pupils a fun (anonymous) voice via @mbarrow #
  • Lovely feedback on training we ran in Oxford. 'Will revloutionise how our council runs and works together.' Big smile on my face! #
  • RT @DaleRockell: quality #PSHCE #SEAL material highly rec, had a grt Yr11 coach session yesterday using these #
  • @DaleRockell Thanks for the #ff Would be great to meet up to see how we could compliment each other's work. #
  • Excellent! Running training at a school in Salford next week and get to see @jenmcnally #
  • Ears just got assaulted by the asinine George Lamb, when I was expecting #AdamandJoe 's Black Squadron on #6music. Not happy. #
  • If you're in North London come along to Downhills Primary School 4pm RT @ChloeDoherty: first performance for Tottenham Community Choir. #
  • Good article on teenagers and the distance between their media portrayal and reality (via @MattSL and @PennyAW) #
  • Several podcast ready to listen to on my bus journey in to Camden, but can't find my nokia headphones. Stupid 2.5mm jack! #
  • Loving #Anchorsong at Koko. Breakbeat drummer, electronica and strings. Really feel it in your bones. Be buying some of this later. #
  • #redsnapper now ripping it up too. more CDs to buy. Are you listening record companies? We will buy it if it has craft and merit. #
  • Oh YES! THAT is a beat! #redsnapper #
  • What a NOISE! Amazing! #redsnapper #

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What Asher’s been Tweeting this week 2009-11-29

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involver blog Resources

A short toolkit for school council co-ordinators

I created this short toolkit for the Salford School Council Co-ordinators Network.  As with everything we’re doing at involver when we create something we want to give it away for schools to use, play around with and share (that’s why we release everything under a Creative Commons licence). So have a look at this, I think there’s some really useful stuff in there, but it’s not supposed to cover everything, so if there are things you’d like us to add, just drop us an email and we’ll keep expanding it.  This is what’s in there now:

  • Ice breakers (4 school council-related games)
  • Boundaries and possibilities (2 different types of activity to explore what these might be)
  • School Councils are the end, not the beginning (presentation – hopefully it makes sense)
  • (Updated – April 2010) Planning elections
  • Key lines of communication (a worksheet for planning communication)
  • School policy on pupil participation (an essential document for any school that’s serious about pupil well-being – this is a guide to creating one)
  • School council constitution (you can’t really have pupil representation without one – although many try – some scenarios to set you on your way)
  • Tips for great meetings (guides to help you through preparing for a successful meeting, the meeting itself and ground rules to avoid pitfalls)

All three of these downloads have exactly the same stuff in:

[download id=”2″] 2.4MB
You can’t really edit it, but it will look just right with our nice fonts and things.

[download id=”93″] 1.3MB
Best if you might want to edit things and have a newer version of Word:

[download id=”92″] 2.9MB
Use this if you want to edit the file and can’t open newer Word files:


What Asher’s been Tweeting this week 2009-11-22

  • @nstone starting up a new organisation it's got to be Google Apps. and Twitter. On my way to Old Street. #
  • RT @DavidWhe: RT @WillTucker Jill Kirby on @r4today talking about why child rights are bad. What an idiot.>> we've still a long way to go! #
  • Good meeting with @adamdnichols at Changemakers. Questions as to whether schools are structured correctly for the 21st Century. #
  • RT @JohnWoodcockLab: Forget BBC QTime, I got a proper grilling at school councils of St James, H'pool&George Hastwell, Walney cracking q's! #
  • What's your school council doing for anti-bullying week? #
  • Interesting idea: htp:// – wonder what ideas it will throw up? #
  • On my way to 'from pupil voice to pupil participation' conference. Still a long way to go – in practice, not geographically ;) #
  • Off to a good start: walk through botanical gardens and found out about this: #
  • CEO of GTC: White paper on education focuses on pupils as passive recipients of guarantees rather than pupil engagement. #
  • Good event. GTC very strong on pupil participation #studentvoice. Main barriers are resistance to change, assessment and lack of trust. #
  • NE primary school teaches 'challenging with respect' so pupils can question staff and 1 another on learning and teaching without offending #
  • RT @sophiebessemer: RT @richardcanoe RT @mattlucht 99% of schools, 70% of colleges, and 30% of universities in the UK block Twitter #140conf #
  • @StephenFarmer what have you used to create the Student Voice social network? And how have you got them to use it? in reply to StephenFarmer #
  • Nice set of creativity tools for education (works with Fronter too!): #
  • @suzibewell No experience, but just had a fiddle and it look pretty cool! in reply to suzibewell #
  • @iamcrofty good to meet you today. You really should get into schools, it's fun! Let me know if you want help with that… #
  • Liked Evan Davis' question to Mandleson re entitlements and targets in Queen's Speech: who is going to go to jail if they're not met? #
  • @ShaneMcC @StevenTuck EVO looks very interesting. Would be really interested to talk to you about a youth version. in reply to StevenTuck #
  • nice idea ->RT @niicooooole: "On Valentine's Day in high school, student council sold carnations that would be delivered to your friends… #
  • @jonathan_mackin welcome to Twitter Jon. Follow some Germans and keep up the lingo. #
  • Rewriting presentation on the way to Salford: school councils are the end, not the beginning. #
  • @MattSeppings Unfortunately we're not, and it was sunny when we left so don't even have a waterproof! in reply to MattSeppings #

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