involver blog

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-21

  • Met with Head of Welbourne Primary today. Really looking forward to getting involved as a governor there. #
  • A new single malt to try and 1-0 to the Arsenal. A good Tuesday night so far. #
  • RT @Nobotic: School children could lead the way on sustainability: (Economic & Social Research Council) Britain's ch… #
  • Birds on Lordship Rec pond are desperate for our bread in the mornings, it's literally been a bun fight. Goose nipped daughter's fingers :( #
  • Citizenship CPD module and blog posts on well-being, school council conference and training all need to get written today. Let's go! #
  • Free Citizenship event for young people in the North West #
  • RT @CommonPurpose Develop leadership skills in a prison, school or trading floor. Last bursary places for London course #
  • @Pswnio Auchentoshan that Chloe got me for my birthday. Very pleasant, but the football ended up 1-1 (equaliser at 90+3). in reply to Pswnio #
  • Have you used fun to change behaviour? WIn €2,500 Great ideas in these fun videos: #
  • Get a €2500 GRANT to CREATE a fun way to change behaviour, great for school councils: (last tweet was wrong) #

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involver blog News

The Fun Theory

I just came across this video (thanks to@hellostanley for pointing it out):

And it seems to me that this is exactly what school councils should be about: making things fun, but in a way that improves other things too.

There are two more excellent, funny videos on website as well as a competitionIf you can come up with an idea for how you could change people’s behaviour in a fun way, you could get a €2,500 (£2,250) grant to make it happen!

So watch the videos, get some ideas and get your entry in quick, it closes on the 14th November.

Let us know what you’re doing to make things fun.

I know this might be seen as me giving free advertising for VW, but when it’s a good idea, it’s a good idea! That’s the beauty of making things fun. You can’t argue with it, you just want to spread it around. Your school council needs to make use of this!

involver blog

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-20

  • RT @sele98: i would like to sit in on an elementary school student council meeting every day. almost as good as kindergarten therapy. #
  • Recommended @scyne to @MrTweet 'A real expert on school councils, citizenship and student voice, but also a great mu…' #
  • @PatParslow Found you through @MrTweet. Looking forward to your tweets! #
  • @amptowerhamlets No problem, thanks for having me there, a great (even historic) event. Looking forward to next year. #

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involver blog

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-18

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Citizenship involver blog News Twitter

School Councillor Profiles: Filippo from Italy

Filippo from Italy telling us about his job as a school councillor:

involver blog

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-16

  • Just been helping Leicestershire with planning their school council training. Some primary schools are in for a treat in November! #
  • RT @FifeWOW: Pondering this: What is our motive in acquiring student voice; to confirm OUR thinking or to gain NEW understanding? #
  • .@FifeWOW hopefully doesn't take too much pondering. #
  • .@FifeWOW That's not to say there aren't a fair few engaged in #studentvoice who shouldn't spend some time doing just that! #
  • Does your school have a written policy on pupil involvement in decision-making? Which country? Please RT #

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