involver blog Newsletters

Newsletter 8: Planning projects, factory schools and student voice good practice

Hello from involver – newsletter number 8

We hope all your chocolate eggs haven’t melted in the sunshine.

Resource: Setting targets and planning a project

These free downloads are something we created for Parliament’s Education Service (PES) to help schools prepare for entering the Speaker’s School Council Award. It’s the second in a series of four sessions to help school councils run projects. The download is in three parts, one at the bottom of this page and the next two on page two:

Video: MPs’ and school councillors’ tips on project planning

We’ve also made these six videos for PES to help schools think about why school councils are important and how to plan and run projects. There are loads of great tips and inspiration for any school council or action team. Watch them all here:

Competition: Winner of free half-day of training

Welcome to all our new subscribers who signed up over the last couple of months. The winner of the half-day training is Morgan from Warwickshire, congratulations to them and commiserations to everyone else. Here’s what you could have won:

Article: How running your school like a factory can make it more creative

A lot has been said about how schools are too much like factories to be effective, but one school we’ve come across recently is using the ideas of industrialist, W. Edwards Deming to make their school more responsive to student voice. Here are our thoughts:

Research: Student voice good practice

We came across the school above as part of the mad rush around the country we’ve been on over the last month to complete research for the Office of the Children’s Commissioner (OCC) in to good practice in student voice. We’ve seen some exciting and inspiring stuff, and it’s all written up now. We’ll be sure to share it with you as soon as the OCC publish it. See more of the OCC’s work:

News: School council chair runs AV debate

Soon Britain will be deciding on whether it wants a new voting system. We think this is a great opportunity for schools to look at how democracy works in their school. This school council has taken up this challenge and is hosting a debate between two local MPs on the Alternative Vote (AV) vs First Past the Post (FPTP):
Resources on AV/FPTP to use in your school:

Resource: Pilot the Student voice-o-meter

We’ve created a new online tool to help students research student voice in their school, understand who it’s working for and who it’s not. We’re looking for a few schools to pilot it. Let us know if you’re interested by emailing Find out more here:

Campaign: Every1counts participatory budgeting in schools

We believe that if schools really value student voice they need to involve students in  how the school spends its money, so we’ve teamed up with the Participatory Budgeting Unit and the Citizenship Foundation to support schools to involve the whole school in this process. We are currently seeking funding from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation to enable us to create training and resources. Find out more and sign-up to be considered for the pilot:

Hope you have fun over the extra long weekend!

Greg and Asher

P.S. Greg was very keen for us to put in an egg-related joke. I hope you’ll agree that I showed eggscelent taste in resisting the temptation to do so.

involver blog

How running a school like a factory can improve student voice

Much has been said about the fact that our schools are based on a factory production model and how counter-productive that is – best explained by Sir Ken Robinson in this great video:

This of course ignores that fact that factories don’t all run in the same way. A school we came across as part of our research in to good practice on student voice – which we were carrying out for the for the Office of the Children’s Commissioner – uses the insight of industrialist W. Edwards Deming to help them remodel their school.

I must admit before visiting Matthew Moss High School in Rochdale I’d never heard of Deming, but something the deputy headteacher said to me about him made me look him up and I’ve been really taken with what I found out:

Deming says, ‘97 per cent of people want to do a brilliant job, let them. Don’t build systems for the three per cent and make the 97 per cent follow them. You get no risk, no creativity, no nothing.’

Deming wasn’t talking about schools, he was helping Japan to build factories after the Second World War. So how strange that this seems to describe exactly what most schools in England in the 21st Century do. Where school policies and organisations are based on the assumption that you should trust people to want to do the best for themselves and each other you actually get more creativity, more action and better results.

Matthew Moss is trying to learn from what made Japanese industry the envy of the world in the second half of the last century and apply it to a school. Having now read a little on Deming, I can see how his 14 key principles could be really instructive for all schools to consider:

  1. Constancy of purpose: Create constancy of purpose for continual improvement of products and service to society, allocating resources to provide for long range needs rather than only short term profitability, with a plan to become competitive, to stay in business, and to provide jobs.
  2. The new philosophy: Adopt the new philosophy. We are in a new economic age, created in Japan. We can no longer live with commonly accepted levels of delays, mistakes, defective materials and defective workmanship. Transformation of Western management style is necessary to halt the continued decline of business and industry.
  3. Cease dependence on mass inspection: Eliminate the need for mass inspection as the way of life to achieve quality by building quality into the product in the first place. Require statistical evidence of built in quality in both manufacturing and purchasing functions.
  4. End lowest tender contracts: End the practice of awarding business solely on the basis of price tag. Instead require meaningful measures of quality along with price. Reduce the number of suppliers for the same item by eliminating those that do not qualify with statistical and other evidence of quality. The aim is to minimize total cost, not merely initial cost, by minimizing variation. This may be achieved by moving toward a single supplier for any one item, on a long term relationship of loyalty and trust. Purchasing managers have a new job, and must learn it.
  5. W. Edwards Deming
    W. Edwards Deming
  6. Improve every process: Improve constantly and forever every process for planning, production, and service. Search continually for problems in order to improve every activity in the company, to improve quality and productivity, and thus to constantly decrease costs. Institute innovation and constant improvement of product, service, and process. It is management’s job to work continually on the system (design, incoming materials, maintenance, improvement of machines, supervision, training, retraining).
  7. Institute training on the job: Institute modern methods of training on the job for all, including management, to make better use of every employee. New skills are required to keep up with changes in materials, methods, product and service design, machinery, techniques, and service.
  8. Institute leadership: Adopt and institute leadership aimed at helping people do a better job. The responsibility of managers and supervisors must be changed from sheer numbers to quality. Improvement of quality will automatically improve productivity. Management must ensure that immediate action is taken on reports of inherited defects, maintenance requirements, poor tools, fuzzy operational definitions, and all conditions detrimental to quality.
  9. Drive out fear: Encourage effective two way communication and other means to drive out fear throughout the organization so that everybody may work effectively and more productively for the company.
  10. Break down barriers: Break down barriers between departments and staff areas. People in different areas, such as Leasing, Maintenance, Administration, must work in teams to tackle problems that may be encountered with products or service.
  11. Eliminate exhortations: Eliminate the use of slogans, posters and exhortations for the work force, demanding Zero Defects and new levels of productivity, without providing methods. Such exhortations only create adversarial relationships; the bulk of the causes of low quality and low productivity belong to the system, and thus lie beyond the power of the work force.
  12. Eliminate arbitrary numerical targets: Eliminate work standards that prescribe quotas for the work force and numerical goals for people in management. Substitute aids and helpful leadership in order to achieve continual improvement of quality and productivity.
  13. Permit pride of workmanship: Remove the barriers that rob hourly workers, and people in management, of their right to pride of workmanship. This implies, among other things, abolition of the annual merit rating (appraisal of performance) and of Management by Objective. Again, the responsibility of managers, supervisors, foremen must be changed from sheer numbers to quality.
  14. Encourage education: Institute a vigorous program of education, and encourage self improvement for everyone. What an organization needs is not just good people; it needs people that are improving with education. Advances in competitive position will have their roots in knowledge.
  15. Top management commitment and action: Clearly define top management’s permanent commitment to ever improving quality and productivity, and their obligation to implement all of these principles. Indeed, it is not enough that top management commit themselves for life to quality and productivity. They must know what it is that they are committed to-that is, what they must do. Create a structure in top management that will push every day on the preceding 13 Points, and take action in order to accomplish the transformation. Support is not enough: action is required!

It seems to me and to Matthew Moss that running throughout this way of structuring an organisation is listening to and involving everyone in the process. Trusting them to want to do the best and supporting them to do it. This is incredibly powerful for student voice because it sets it up as an essential part of the system, not a counterbalance to a staff-led hierarchy.
Do you agree? Can education learn anything from Deming? Can you see any of these principles working in your school?

involver blog

Project planning and evaluation videos for school councils

We helped make this series of six videos for Parliament’s Education Service. As well as encouraging schools to enter the Speaker’s School Council Award they contain loads of great tips from MPs and school councillors of all ages on how to make any project a success.

If your school council or project team is getting a bit stuck have a watch of some of these, they might just give you a few ideas.

Why enter the Speaker’s School Council Award

Getting ideas and choosing a project

Planning your project

Keeping your team on track

Keeping people informed and involved

Evaluating your project

These videos were all shot, directed and edited by the fantastic Kwame Lestrade of Franklyn Lane Films.

involver blog Newsletters

Newsletter 7: Getting more people involved in student voice

Hello from involver – newsletter number 7

Welcome to all our new friends and we hope all our old ones are keeping well.

Resource: 5 Tutor time activities to prepare for an election

This is a series of short activities to help get the whole school up to speed for an election. They’ll introduce key concepts about what democracy is, what the school council is for and why people should stand. As well as clear instructions, there are PowerPoints and handouts to enable every form tutor in the school to run them. Have a look:

Campaign: Keep Citizenship strong

As I’m sure you’re aware there’s a curriculum review going on. This means both that there’s a threat to Citizenship in the secondary curriculum and an opportunity to strengthen it in the primary curriculum. We need you to add your voice, sign up to, but most importantly respond to the review formally. There is some advice here:

Articles: The life of a gap-year student voice assistant

Over the last few months we’ve been lucky to have Little Heath School’s student voice assistant, Alison, writing a regular blog for us. Her latest post is on how to get more people involved in your student voice, really worth a read:

Training: Free teacher training from Amnesty

If you’re interested in finding out about what an Amnesty Youth Group could do for your school, there’s training in Manchester on the 21st of May.

Research: Student voice good practice

We’ve been commissioned by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner (they know about commissioning) to collect good practice on student voice from across England. It’s great fun, but we’re having to work our socks off to get it done within the timeframe. We’ve been seeing some amazing things so far, and we’re sure there’s more to come. If you follow us on Twitter we’ll keep you informed of the best little things we see:

Resource: Coming up with ideas (for the Speaker’s School Council Award)

The Speaker’s School Council Award is a great scheme to celebrate what you’ve been doing with your school council. If you’re not quite sure what project you should enter, we’re creating a series of resources for Parliament to help you create a project, carry it out, keep people informed and evaluate it. The first one is here:

Thanks for reading!

Greg and Asher

involver blog Resources

Tutor/form time activities to prepare for a school council election

Decisions and action illustration
"You should move that bloomin' great big box", "No, you should", "They should", "Or her"

I wrote these tutor/form time activities a while ago for a school I was working with in Coventry, not sure why I haven’t posted them until now. Often elections are just sprung upon a school without any preparation. No one thinks to explain to the whole school why they should choose to stand, or how they should choose who to vote for. What this ends up with is the same people (and the same kind of people) getting elected every year.

Each one of these short sessions leads people towards an understanding of why they should stand to be a representative, or what they should consider when they are voting.

Download the whole lot here [download id=”229″] or read more …

There are 5 sessions plus the election itself. They are all participative sessions, but the resources should enable any teacher to feel confident facilitating the sessions.:

A) What is democracy?
There’s more to democracy than just voting, it’s an ongoing process. It’s not about others making decision for you, it’s about you being involved in the decision.
[download id=”230″]

B) What is a School Council?
The kinds of things the School Council might deal with.
[download id=”231″]

C) How does the School Council communicate with the whole school?
Explain the structures of the decision-making and the School Council in our school. Explain about recall. Explain structure of form/tutor groups to Year/House council to School Council. and frequency of meetings.
[download id=”232″]

D) What is a representative?
What qualities are needed by a representative?
[download id=”233″]

E) How do our elections work?
The processes for nominating, standing and voting are explained. Explain terminology of closed ballot, etc. Explain that the whole year/house will be electing year/house reps to School Council from the reps who are elected as form/tutor reps.
[download id=”234″]

The eventual voting process is ‘blind’, by which I mean people vote for a manifesto, rather than voting for a person. The school this was written for originally choose to run their election in this way to avoid it being a popularity contest and instead base it on policies and ideas.
[download id=”235″] (PDF) or [download id=”236″] (Word)


You can run any of the sessions on their own, but I think they probably work best as a series.

They’re each 15 minutes long, but could usefully stretch if you had the time.

It says they are for ‘vertical’ tutor groups of about 20, but they should work just as well with larger groups and groups based on age.


You can download all 5 activities (including instructions and all resources) here: [download id=”229″]

Or you can download them individually if you want:

  • [download id=”230″]
  • [download id=”231″]
  • [download id=”232″]
  • [download id=”233″]
  • [download id=”234″]
  • [download id=”235″] (PDF) or [download id=”236″] (Word)

Each download is a zip file containing:

  • Instructions (in Word and PDF format)
  • An (animated) PowerPoint slideshow illustrating the key points
  • PDFs Posters of the essential bits of the slideshow for those who don’t have a projector/IWB
  • Any worksheets (in Word and PDF format)

If you can’t download  zip files and need the files separately send me an email and I’ll get them over to you:

involver blog

We’re looking for a web design/development intern..

Hey all,

Over on the join our team page, we’ve got details of an internship we’ve got available. Please give us a tweet, email or call if you’re interested!

Or you could read the details below:

Web Developer/Designer intern

We’re looking for a web developer/designer intern to help us create a new community website for the young people and teachers that we work with. You might be a student web designer, or a recent graduate, that’s keen to build their portfolio and work as part of an exciting start-up.


involver are an award-winning social enterprise that help schools, colleges and universities to give students more of a say in their education. We help young people to see that democracy, participation and ‘taking part’ isn’t just for the clever or most confident kids, or those who give the right answers. It’s for everyone.

We’re two guys that set up involver just over a year ago now. We’ve won several awards along the way, but most importantly have trained and supported loads of really great young people in schools across the UK and Europe. We’re currently working on high profile projects with Parliament and the Children’s Commissioner, and we’re working hard to take involver to the next level.

Why are involver looking for an intern?

We’re looking for a web developer/designer to help us create a new community website for the young people and teachers that we work with.

What kind of person are we looking for?

We’re looking for a student web designer, or recent graduate, that’s keen to build their portfolio and work as part of an exciting start-up. We’ve got a site spec and think that something like ELGG, Drupal, Ning, or Buddypress can do what we want. We’re just really keen for it not too look and feel really generic!

To do this you’d need great CSS and HTML skills, and a little bit of PHP probably wouldn’t go amiss. Our assumption is that we’d build something on an existing platform (as mentioned above) rather than building the site totally from scratch. So if you’re an energetic and passionate web design student, or a recent graduate, get in touch!

Where are the details?

We’re based in Shoreditch, East London. But don’t worry, we don’t have funny haircuts (except Greg). We’d pay your expenses and sort your lunch out.

In terms of timing, we’re keen to be flexible. You might want to do a day a week for a few months, or do something shorter and more intensive. Or you might like to work remotely. We also adhere to CIPD’s Internship Charter, which you can read here.

Are we nice people?

Yes. And we make nice coffee.

What would you get out of it?

Hopefully, you’d get a great website as part of your portfolio. You’ll meet some good contacts. We’d be really keen to introduce you to the people we work with; a mix of schools, charities, politicians, government people, private sector companies. And take you to events if you want to come.

If you do a good job, we’ll also promote you widely. And give you a great reference. Finally, we’re developing more and more online work, so there’s also a good chance we’d give you paid work in the future.

What do you do next?

  • Get in touch with us at
  • Or give us a buzz on 020 3411 3294.
  • Or you might want to tweet us @doingdemocracy.

From there, we’ll organise an informal chat to decide if you’re what we’re looking for.

If you want a bit more information about what we do, take a look at

Or click on the link below for this information in PDF:

[download id=”227″]