

Interesting article in the Guardian today – discussing how damaging culturally it is for society to fear young people. It talks about the problems with automatically labelling young people in a negative way that I think much of what we do is trying to tackle:

Guardian article

Also. I wonder if the 16 MPs who voted against the Youth Parliament using the HoC Chamber suffer from ephebiphobia:

BBC article


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Social and emotional development in independent schools [www_dcsf_gov_uk]

Ed Balls is looking into how independent faith schools are meeting the requirements for them to provide, spiritual, social and emotional development for their pupils.

Will they look into how many have school councils or other methods of whole-school pupil voice (still trying to find out what these are)?

It’d be very interesting to see if the different establishing principles of these schools helps or hinders participation.

I met a deputy head from an indepenedent Quaker school at training I was running for ASCL.  For them collaboration, democracy and participation were at the centre of their Quaker, and therefore their school, ethos.


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Premature Children to start school later.

I thought this was interesting regarding the primary review stating that they planned to have a single enrollment date for all children.

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More Young Mayors

I know that we have had some contact with the Lewisham Young mayor and I think that it is really good that more people will get the opportunity to get involved. Also, I think it’s great that the importance of the views of young people are really being noticed and appreciated.


Citizenship SchoolCouncilsUK-archive

Interesting events for young people

ESRC – The youth of today: yobs or future leaders?

ESRC is the Economic and Social Research Council

It’s not that clear how one gets involved though.

Obviously very good to be getting young people actually discussing these issues, rather than just being the subject of them.  Not clear whether there’s any scope for action to come out of it though.  I guess the same could be said for most types of research though.

If possible we should try to get along to some of these.



MP Observes School Elections

I thought this was a nice little story and it’s interesting that the elected pupils only serve for 6 months so make sure that more people get a chance to be involved.
