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How school councils will save the world

A really excellent, academic summary of how the process of actively engaging wih the world could/will enable us to tackle challenges like climate change.

Asher (but Jess G sent me this link originally)


Nice tool for exploring ideas

It’s called Exploratree and it’s made by Futurelab:

I’ll be trying it out with school councils next time I’m running training.

Came across it through Twitter:

If it seems useful it’s something we could suggest to people in our e-newsletter.



School Council take over school for the day


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What've schoolcouncilswales been up to?

Some of the things that have been happening here are:
  • Working with Estyn to incorporate the National Participation Standards in the new Common Inspection Framework post 2010
  • Working with other policy departments here to mainstream pupil participation into key policy areas – e.g. the School Effectiveness Framework, 14 – 19 Learning Pathways and Quality Effectiveness Framework (Post-16)
  • Piloting a self-assessment tool to measure progress against the Standards in schools across Wales (currently)
  • Completely revamping and developing the web-site (underway)
  • Developing level 1, 2, and 3 accreditations for children and young people’s particiaption with OCN (to be piloted this term)
  • Marketing and publicity campaign (ongoing), including a booklet for teachers with good practice case studies from across Wales
  • Developing training materials for teachers and governors
  • Developing a pack for 5 – 7 year olds.
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Participation in Curriculum for Excellence

I was just looking at this:

It’s the particiaption element of the new curriculum that will be in force in Scotland from 2014 (although is being widely used/built up to already).

The document is interesting.  Also talks a lot about how there are structures other than school councils, but then quite a number of these appear to be school councils that have been given a different name.  It seems there is a real problem with calling something a ‘school council’, that it somehow implies that it’s not interesting, innovative, etc.

What can we do about this?

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Alan Steer Review of Pupil Behaviour

Something for you all to have a look at. I thought if we wanted to do a poll for students we could ask them about their experiences of exclusion from school.